Monday 21 October 2013

Not a lot of people know what to do with one of these

I am one!! There's detailed instructions so I bought one. Sadly they're in Spanish - Rosie are you in Ireland or USA - I could do with your language skills. If you have any fishing skills they might come in handy too. This part pf Spain is legendary for the seafood and although the Spanish trawlers that sweep the mackerel out of the Irish sea or off the top of Scotland get a deservedly bad press, these gallegos are a different bunch. They are small time artisan people, fishing in a sensible way to ensure their livelihoods today and for their children - hence they use the invention of a Neanderthal from atapuerca. Atapuerca as many know from this blog and others is my spiritual home. One day may my ashes be scattered next to that Neanderthal. I have walked a long way and yet I have done nothing. My body aches as it always has and I've spoken, written and signed more nonsense than usual but another ending has created a new beginning. As the sun sets somewhere )I ain't seen it for days) I will watch it rise and smile. Smiling is so easy!

Smiling is really so easy

I think of so many different things

Smiling is so easy!

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