Friday, 7 January 2022

Day 5 afternoon bus at 2pm and 6pm

Belorado to villafranca montes des oca with 4 beer stops.

We get off bus at 2.30 and walk to tosantos for beer at 3.30. we leave at 4 for villambistia where we beer at 5pm and then carry on for an hour and a half to get bus about 7

Day 5 Azofra to Santo Domingo morning - June 2nd

The morning walk with lunch at Santo Domingo followed by afternoon belorado to villafranca montes des oca

It may be that we bus to najera and walk to Azofra if it works best for q fast bus.

Najera to Azofra is an hour at 9am or 1 1/2 hours at 6pm!

Azofra to ciruena is a short two hours with a beer at the golf club.

Santo Domingo is another hour to edge of town and 15 minutes to pub by bus stop!!

The we got to belorado by bus and walk tosantos then villambista etc